spring-time®420 pro
- Water purification through reverse osmosis
- Energization according to Dr. Ludwig®
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Pure drinking water
Drinking water travels a long way before it reaches the tap at home. On this journey, it often suffers a loss in quality. Our water is often contaminated with lead, copper and other heavy metals and even drug residues. This is why reverse osmosis filters are particularly in demand, as their special filter technology enables them to achieve an extremely high level of water purity.
The spring-time®420 pro …
- is a water treatment device that works on the principle of reverse osmosis. In addition to the reverse osmosis membrane, the device contains a pre-filter (two stages: sediment and activated carbon) and a post-filter (ceramic). In this combination, the water is freed of almost all dissolved pollutants. In addition, the device has electronically controlled, semi-automatic operating processes including disinfection and decalcification.
- also has an integrated magnetic field generator according to Dr. Ludwig®, which generates a pulsating electromagnetic field to energize the purified water. As soon as the spring-time®420 pro is connected to the power grid, the magnetic field generator (comparable to our MEDISEND®) permanently emits the main value of the Schumann frequency of 7.8 Hz. In addition, using a process that is unique in the world, the frequency spectrum of the 64 most important trace elements (geomagnetic frequencies) is modulated onto the magnetic field and thus transferred to the water.
- has a removable 1.8 l water tank that is filled with tap water. After 10 minutes you get approx. 1.2 l of freshly pressed water® in organic quality. This only produces approx. 0.6 l of waste water, which collects in the water tank. This ratio is the world leader in the household sector. An integrated conductivity display ensures constant quality control. The elegant design can be adapted to any kitchen using interchangeable panels (aluminum or stainless steel look, black-silver and white). The housing is available in white or black.
- works with a built-in diaphragm pump for the necessary pressure for filtering. The spring-time®420 pro is not connected to the water pipe, but only to a socket. With 230 volts you have the right connection everywhere - whether at home, in the practice or in the office. With an additional 12V / 24V connection it can also be used in campers, yachts and abroad. To counteract the electrosmog of the power grid, the Schumann frequency of 7.8 Hz is additionally modulated with 1.2 Hz - a frequency that has also proven effective in cases of electrosensitivity.
Reverse osmosis
Freshly pressed water® in organic quality
The process of reverse osmosis is obvious:
It is an extremely fine filtering process in which water is forced under pressure through a membrane with ultra-fine pores. The pores are so fine that only water molecules, minerals in ionic form and oxygen can pass through them. All other, larger molecules cannot pass through and therefore do not reach the pure, filtered water.
The figure illustrates the size ratios of possible loads to a water molecule.

- Pure, filtered water (pure water) and the
- Excess tap water (the concentrate)
Pure water drains
No fear of mineral deficiency
Minerals dissolved in water also complicate its transport and elimination functions.
Water that is low in minerals is best suited to support detoxification. Through a balanced diet we absorb enough minerals to supply our body.
The assumption that reverse osmosis water can lead to a mineral deficiency is unfounded. This is especially true because the minerals dissolved in water are difficult to access. The minerals naturally contained in food are much easier and more effective for the body to use.
In order for the water to have optimal cleaning and transport properties, it should be as free from pollutants, still and low in minerals as possible.
Vitalization and energization of water
Water has a memory
The world-renowned biophysicist Dr. rer. nat. W. Ludwig has spent many years intensively studying the properties of water and using spectroscopic measurements to determine water quality. His biophysical measurement results show:
Water has a memory. It can store information.
This information is present in the form of certain frequency patterns in the cluster structure of the water and can be passed on to other systems or organisms.
With the help of the magnetic field generator built into the spring-time®420 pro, the vibrations of the 64 trace elements (geomagnetic frequencies) that are important to us are transmitted to the water in addition to the 7.8 Hz.
You can recognize the magnetic field generators developed by Dr. Ludwig® by the arrow symbol. This symbol stands for the generation of an electromagnetic biofield that is modeled on undisturbed nature.
If you would like to know more about water and the scientific work of Dr. rer. nat. W. Ludwig, we recommend the book “Water and Homeopathy” by Dr. W. Ludwig and H.-J. Albrecht.
Another book on the subject of water that we would like to recommend to you is “Water – much more than water2O” by Gerald H. Pollack.
Technical data
Water treatment: | Pre-filter (sediment activated carbon), main filter (reverse osmosis), post-filter (ceramic) |
Water energization: | using a magnetic field generator (7.8 Hz) and turbulence |
Weight: | approx. 7.3 kg |
Size (WxDxH): | 30 x 28 x 34 cm (without drip tray), depth with drip tray approx. 37 cm |
Water tank | approx. 1.8 l |
Water production: | approx. 1.2 l in 10 min |
Filter replacement: | Pre-filter every 6 months (price 58,- €) |
Scope of delivery: | Device spring-time®420 pro, water tank, drip tray, drip tray, operating instructions, warranty certificate and built-in magnetic field generator |
guarantee | 2 years |
Brochure spring-time®420 pro
Below you can find the brochure for our two devices
- spring-time®420 pro and
- spring-time®premium pro
Both devices clean the water in the same way (pre-filter, reverse osmosis and ceramic filter) and both have a built-in magnetic field generator according to Dr. Ludwig®. They differ in that the spring-time®premium pro also enriches the water with hydrogen through electrolysis. The spring-time®420 pro does not have this electrolysis unit.
Descaling, disinfection and pre-filter replacement
You can find our detailed operating instructions for the spring-time®420 pro with step-by-step maintenance instructions under downloads.
To ensure that you can enjoy your spring-time®420 pro device for a long time, regular descaling and disinfection are necessary in addition to the semi-annual pre-filter change.
Three different filter systems are integrated into the spring-time®420 pro for water purification:
- Pre-filter (activated carbon)
- Reverse osmosis
- Ceramic filter
The pre-filter is responsible for the "coarse stuff". It filters dirt particles and the smallest particles out of the water right from the start. Over time, it becomes clogged with the particles it catches and therefore needs to be replaced every 6 months at the latest. You can order the pre-filter here:
In the reverse osmosis filter, the (tap) water to be cleaned is passed past a membrane and pressed through microscopically small holes in the membrane. Apart from the water molecules, only dissolved oxygen molecules and a small proportion of very small ions such as potassium and magnesium ions can pass through these small holes.
The water is divided into two parts by this reverse osmosis process:
- On the one hand, there is the part of the water that has been filtered and cleaned in this way, which then flows through the ceramic filter. In the ceramic filter, this cleaned water part is swirled - just like in nature when the water flows and jumps over stones on its way. This is what makes it taste so fresh. It then flows from the ceramic filter via the tap into the carafe provided.
- On the other hand, there is the part of the water that still carries all the dissolved dirt particles with it. This larger part of the two water quantities flows back into the container that you previously filled with tap water. The cleaning process starts again with this returned water.
The tap water to be cleaned is then circulated. Only a portion is repeatedly taken out of this cycle as cleaned water. At the end, around 600 ml of waste water remains in the tap water tank, in which all the dirt has collected. You then throw this water away.
In contrast, there are approximately 1.2 liters of purified water in the carafe ready for you to enjoy.
The advantage is obvious: With most other reverse osmosis devices, you have a ratio of purified to contaminated water of 1:2 at the end of the cleaning process. This means that you throw away twice as much water as you receive in filtered water.
With spring-time®420 pro, the ratio is exactly the opposite. Ultimately, 1.2 l of highly purified, swirled and energized water is obtained from 1.8 l of tap water.
The magnetic field generator according to Dr. Ludwig, built into the spring-time®420 pro, continuously emits a pulsating magnetic field of 7.8 Hz (Schumann frequency). This energizes and vitalizes the water. This also applies to all foodstuffs containing water that are within a radius of one meter of the spring-time®420 pro device.
To check the cleaning function, the conductivity of the water is measured during the process and shown on the display. The conductivity shows how many dissolved particles are contained in the water and is given in ppm (parts per million) on the spring-time®420 pro. The conductivity of the water in the removable tap water container is measured throughout the cleaning process. At the end of the process, the device measures the conductivity of the water that is poured from the tap into the carafe and shows this value on the display. This way you can see for yourself whether the reverse osmosis membrane is doing its job properly.
Both downstream cleaning systems, reverse osmosis and ceramic filters, are not collection containers for dirt like the pre-filter and therefore have a long lifespan (usually more than 5 years). To maintain this long lifespan, they require regular maintenance in the form of decalcification and disinfection.
Both processes are very simple and can be carried out without any tools. Please follow the description in the user manual carefully and carry out all instructions step by step.
You can also find the individual steps in the descriptions below in the corresponding menus on our website.
The spring-time®420 pro device must be descaled once a month.
To descale, please use the Bio Quick Descaler from Heitmann. One bottle is already included in the delivery. You can buy this bio descaler in retail stores for around two to three euros.
Products from other manufacturers are not suitable.

Descaling instructions
- Detach the front panel from the device (magnetic holder) and pull it downwards.
- Unscrew the pre-filter (left cartridge) by hand and pull it downwards.
- Fill the water tank to the top with tap water (approx. 1.8 liters).
- Add 50 ml of the descaling agent.
- Place the filled water tank on top.
- Place a container under the water outlet. No water will come out of the water outlet during the descaling process. (The container is placed under the water outlet as a precautionary measure, as only a few drops at most can come out during the descaling process).
- Press the start/stop button for ten seconds. You will initially see a counter on the display up to 5 seconds and then the display “REF”. Please keep the button pressed. The counting process will then continue on the display for up to 10 seconds. The descaling process begins and is indicated on the display by “FLUS”. Please now release the button.
- After descaling, the device switches off automatically (after approx. 60 minutes).
- Attention: Health hazard!
After descaling, pour away water from the water tank and, if applicable, from the container. Rinse the water tank and container carefully. Place the container back under the water outlet. - After descaling, please carry out a normal water cleaning twice (fill the water tank with tap water and let it run through as usual). This will rinse everything again.
Please pour away the water that has run through each time (2x). - Screw the pre-filter back into its original position by hand.
- Replace the front panel.
- The device is now ready for use.
Disinfection of the spring-time®420 pro device is recommended every six months and after a long period of non-use (from approx. 14 days).
For disinfection use H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) in 3%iger solution. You can get hydrogen peroxide in any pharmacy.

Instructions for disinfection
- Detach the front panel from the device (magnetic holder) and pull it downwards.
- Unscrew the pre-filter (left cartridge) by hand and pull it downwards.
- Fill the water tank to the top with tap water (approx. 1.8 liters).
- 100 ml H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) in 3%iger solution.
- Place a container under the water outlet and place the filled water tank on top.
- Press the start-stop button for five seconds. You will see a counter up to 5 seconds on the display. The disinfection process begins and is shown on the display as "REF". Please now release the button.
- After disinfection, the device switches off automatically.
- Attention: Health hazard!
Pour away water from the water tank (400 – 600 ml) and the container (approx. 1.2 – 1.4 l).
Rinse the water tank and container carefully. Place the container back under the water outlet. - After disinfection, please carry out a normal water cleaning twice (fill tap water into the water tank and let it run through as usual). This will rinse everything again.
Please pour away the water that has run through each time (2x). - Screw the pre-filter back into its original position by hand.
- Replace the front panel.
- The device is now ready for use.
Pre-filter change

Instructions for changing pre-filter
- Detach the front panel from the device (magnetic holder) and pull it downwards.
- Unscrew the pre-filter (left cartridge) by hand, pull it downwards and dispose of it.
- Unscrew the ceramic filter (third from the left).
- Remove the yellow plug from the new pre-filter and screw the pre-filter in by hand (instead of the ceramic filter).
- In this condition, run the water through twice and pour out the contents of the tank after both runs.
- This process serves to vent the device and at the same time flushes the new pre-filter.
- Now unscrew the pre-filter again from the third position…
- … and screw it into the designated place (first from the left).
- Screw the ceramic filter back in (third place from the left).
- Replace the front panel.
- After changing the pre-filter, please carry out a normal water cleaning twice (fill the water tank with tap water and let it run through as usual). This will rinse everything again.
Please pour away the water that has run through each time (2x).
From the third run onwards you can enjoy your freshly pressed water as usual.