The arrow symbol
Dr. Ludwig - arrow symbol
You can recognize the devices developed by Dr. Ludwig at a glance by the arrow symbol. This symbol stands for the generation of an electromagnetic biofield that is modeled on undisturbed nature. We offer a wide range of products consisting of various small and large devices, all based on Dr. Ludwig's technology.

The following criteria are met:
- Generation of the various environmental signals (Schumann, geomagnetic and solar frequencies)
Environmental signals - Consideration of quality characteristics:
Quality features- The signal shape corresponds to the nerve impulse transmission.
- The intensity of the emitted magnetic field ranges between 0.2 – 20 µTesla, depending on the device.
- All devices have a selection of different frequencies - either from preset programs for the small devices or from the complete range of 0.1 - 1000 Hz for the large devices. Furthermore, all devices generate the geomagnetic frequencies and a large part the solar frequencies and an additional 2000 Hz (2 KHz).
Frequencies - Each of the devices can be used for substrate transfer of exo- and endogenous information through its pulsating magnetic field.
Substrate transfer