In order to meet legal requirements, we provide the following information: Magnetic field therapy is scientifically controversial and is not recognized by conventional medicine.
Simply good vibrations

Simply good

Magnetic field therapy, regulatory and bioresonance procedures, color, light and laser therapy – you have come to the right place.

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News from the AMS

Selbstregulation stärken: Wie du mit natürlichen Schwingungen in die Balance kommst.

Im Zeitalter von WLAN und 5G wird das Thema immer relevanter. Elektrosensibilität ist weiterverbreitet als wir denken! Die Störfelder nehmen dem Organismus die Chance, die natürlichen lebenswichtigen Signale aufzunehmen.

Welche Umweltsignale sind für uns wichtig? Welche Qualitätsmerkmale physiologisch wirksamer Magnetfeldtherapiegeräte sind von Bedeutung?

Welche Möglichkeiten des aktiven und passiven Schutzes vor E-Smog gibt es?

our range

Good at home

Our small appliances for home use are your daily companion. Just try it out - thanks to our 90-day return guarantee.

For the practice

The systems and devices for therapists are used in the practices of doctors, alternative practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists and others.


With our systems for animal therapists, you can treat small and large animals. Dogs, cats, mice and horses - they are all in good hands.

More about bioresonance

We would be happy to guide you through our content – where would you like to start?

  • In the “Basics of Magnetic Field Therapy” section you will learn everything about bioinformative medicine and magnetic field therapy. Read about the research and developments of Dr. W. Ludwig and find out how he became the father of magnetic field therapy.
    Basics of magnetic field therapy
  • In the "Our Products" section you will find the entire range of our magnetic field devices and accessories as well as devices for water treatment. Browse through our range of books. Choose one of our three categories: home supplies / therapists / animal therapists - this will help you get to your goal quickly.
    Our products

More about AMS GmbH

Get to know the AMS and the team – film portraits, trade fairs, seminars and more:

  • In the "about AMS" section we introduce you to the company and our entire team. You will also find film portraits and our download area. If you are looking for a therapist in your area who works with AMS devices, take a look at our therapist section.
    about AMS
  • In the "Dates and Information" section you will find overviews of trade fairs, seminars and lectures where you can get to know us personally. You will also find interesting reports of experiences, which we are also constantly expanding.
    Dates and information