In order to meet legal requirements, we provide the following information: Magnetic field therapy is scientifically controversial and is not recognized by conventional medicine.

Our team

We look forward to a "real bioresonance" with you - get to know us

What would the most innovative and progressive company be without a reliable team? It is the most important thing we have, because AMS is not just made up of its undoubtedly great equipment. It is also the people who are always there in the foreground and background and who make the company what it is.

Get to know them, the people who advise you, who answer your emails, who pack your orders and write your invoices. Those whose voices you can hear on the phone and who you might even meet in person at trade fairs and seminars.

Our team looks forward to seeing you.

Dr. rer. nat. Frank Beck

Managing Director and sole shareholder of AMS GmbH Head of the “Institute for Bioinformatic Medicine Dr. Ludwig”

As a former competitive fencer, he knows what it means to pursue a goal in a disciplined and focused manner. In the 1980s, he and his team won the world championship title and an Olympic silver medal in foil fencing.

After finishing his fencing career, he pursued his scientific interests. He studied chemistry in Würzburg and successfully completed his doctorate.

If you want to know more about Dr. Beck's CV, click here:

CV Dr. Frank Beck

Dr. rer. net. Frank Beck

As head of AMS, Dr. Beck makes all strategic decisions and is always open to suggestions for improvement and new ideas. He is fascinated by the combination of scientific facts with naturopathic approaches and over the years he has acquired a broad knowledge of bioinformatic medicine.

If you would like to get to know Dr. Beck, simply visit him at one of the numerous trade fairs where he is personally present as an exhibitor and often as a speaker.

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, cycling trips, self-organized parties and barbecues in every season.

Anne Keßler

Head of secretariat and accounting, seminar preparation

As the good soul of the AMS, she has been working as Dr. Beck’s right-hand woman for almost 20 years.

She is responsible for payment transactions and preparing the accounting. She also works in shipping, takes care of repairs and seminars, and is the calm center who always knows where the things in this world that cannot be found are.

It is quite possible that when you call, you will reach our Ms. Keßler, who will be happy to advise you and always help you in a friendly manner.

She also attends some of our seminars and supports our speakers in looking after the participants.

Outside of work, she enjoys trying her hand at cooking in the kitchen and growing her collection of exotic and local spices.

E-mail: anne.kessler(at)

Phone: 07934 993489-15

Eva Niesel

Head of Customer Service and Sales Ms. Niesel helps us sort out the normal everyday madness on a daily basis. She takes care of shipping orders and making sure that everything we need is in the right place in the warehouse in the right quantity. From time to time she accompanies Mr. Beck or Ms. Först to a trade fair or is on site as a contact person at one of our seminars. She loves smoothies and homemade baked goods and is happy to share them with us. With her cheerful nature and good mood, she brightens up the days when she is in the office. E-mail: eva.niesel(at) Phone: 07934 993489-0

Angelika Beck

Order processing, trade fair preparation

Ms. Beck actively supports AMS. She is responsible for shipping, warehouse management and all forms of trade fair and seminar preparation.

She occasionally accompanies her husband to various trade fairs and is a helpful contact person at our user seminars for the use of the devices and the conduct of tests.

She is happy to pass on her extensive knowledge of naturopathy as part of the health consultations she offers. She has completed training in systemic family constellations and bioenergetics.

She has a big heart for animals, especially elephants. One of her special wishes is to be able to visit her sponsored elephant “Naipoki” in Nairobi.

Tina Först

Alternative practitioner, Dipl.-Bw. (FH), MA, Marketing, Head of Export

She worked for over four years in a practice for electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll in her hometown of Berlin before studying business administration in Jena and graduating with a diploma and a master's degree.

With this unusual mix, she is exactly the right fit for us, because in addition to her knowledge of naturopathy, she also brings the necessary business management aspects.

Thanks to stays abroad in England and Guatemala, she also speaks English and Spanish, which is very beneficial for her role as export manager.

You will most likely hear their friendly voice on the phone when you call us and need information.

She attends trade fairs several times a year, where she represents AMS with an exhibitor stand. She is also on site as a direct contact person at many of our seminars.

Ms. Först is still responsible for the design and content of our website and our printed materials.

In her free time, she enjoys her great passion, salsa dancing! You can find her on dance floors all over the world - because she also loves traveling.

Phone: 07934 993489-0

Tara Beck

Animal health practitioner, shipping preparation, order processing, controlling devices

If we didn't have our Tara - whenever her time allows, Mr. Beck's daughter is with us and lends us a hand. She is involved in shipping preparation, checking equipment and shipping. She also helps Tina Först with maintaining the website.

This means she takes on a lot of the “little jobs” that don’t get done by themselves and we are very grateful to her for that.

After graduating from high school, she trained as an animal health practitioner (ATM), which she successfully completed in May 2017. Since September 2017, she has been studying veterinary medicine in Budapest. That's why she can't be with us very often anymore - and we miss her terribly.

She loves her cat Miley, who has already earned the status of our office cat. When Tara brings her in, she brightens everyone's day.

Animals are Tara's favorite creatures - she had a particularly close bond with her horse Domingo, who accompanied her life for six years until December 2016.

AMS animals

Members of the Beck family and sparring partners for the AMS

All animals that belong to the Beck family, both past and present, have always enjoyed treatments with the Ludwig magnetic field therapy devices. Some pictures show how relaxing it is to lie next to these devices: